About me

jeremiah 31:3 "i have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore i have continued my faithfulness to you."
First off I am so blessed, blessed beyond words. I have such a beautiful family, and I'm servant to and lover of Jesus Christ. Jesus has always been with me, ever since I was a wee little bub. My eyes are blue, and my hair is brown. I have a fair skin, fairest in the whole family. I am the oldest of 5, two of the 5 siblings are foster children. (but they are all family to me♥) I am 15 and have a job, and dislike school, although I'm home schooled. Home-schooling is WAY better than school, I love learning at home. I'm quirky and sarcastic when you know me, but at first I'm extremely shy, the girl hiding in the back corner. I l o v e playing basketball, and b a k i n g. I want to be a Pastry Chef ♥♥ I love interior design, and graphic design. 
I'm a girl listening to see what God's will is for my life.

and that's who I am..

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